Terms of Service
Cindershot Development works according to these Terms of Service, and all projects will be handled with the following terms found on this page. These Terms of Service are handled to protect both parties involved in the web development services.
The term CLIENT hereby refers to the potential Business, Business Owner or Individual requesting web development services. The term DESIGNER hereby refers to Cindershot Development.
Images & Content
CLIENT agrees all images and content provided to DESIGNER is permission to use materials and CLIENT is liable for all materials used on website. As the DESIGNER, Cindershot Development will not agree to use any materials used from search engines or other websites at random. DESIGNER only uses stock photos that have been purchased by CLIENT if CLIENT does not have permission to use or copyright photos and content. CLIENT may provide original or permission to use materials.
Security Deposit
A 50% Security Deposit will be requested to begin services. CLIENT agrees the 50% Security Deposit covers any time the DESIGNER spends on website for time and labor towards any work from the start of the website services. DESIGNER uses a timer and will keep track of hours spent on CLIENT website.
Remaining Balance
CLIENT agrees to pay DESIGNER the remaining balance for completion of the website work, hours, time and labor spent on website. DESIGNER will not increase any remaining balances. Any additional work requested by the CLIENT will result in a new phase of work and billed separately if requests are not found in the original Contract and/or list of agreed work.
Hourly Work
A Security Deposit and Remaining Balance does not apply to hourly updates, changes and/or on-going work. DESIGNER requires the full balance for hourly work to be paid in full before proceeding with web design services towards a CLIENT website.
Business Days and Turnaround Times
Business Days represent the actual hours spent on a website. Turnaround Times are the estimated time for completion of the website. Turnaround Times are needed to allow any possible back and forth changes between the CLIENT and DESIGNER. Quoted hours and time for website project will be spread out within the quoted Turnaround Time. Turnaround Time begins once content is received. The Turnaround Time may extend if CLIENT requests changes towards the end of estimated Turnaround Time. Any drastic changes not within the Work / Tasks listed within a signed Contract and/or original list of work within email may or will result in a new phase of work.
A Design will need to be discussed prior to signing a Contract and/or getting started. A Design can refer to a template, custom theme, or changes to an existing website. Changing a template, theme or custom design during prior agreed services may be handled as a new project, due to different time estimates. Any new project designs may be handled and billed separately.
CLIENT is responsible for the cost and fees for Themes, Templates, Plugins, Apps or Media requested for the website, and all purchases will need to be made by the CLIENT.
CLIENT is responsible for the cost and fees towards any Domains, Hosting, and Platforms, and all purchases will need to be made by the CLIENT.
Product Photography
Product Photography is provided by a per photo price. Group images and/or outdoor images may require an additional fee. On location photography may require a traveling fee. All product photography is required to have full balance payment to photographer prior to photo shoot.
Products shipped to photographer requires paid returned shipping, paid by the CLIENT.
Product Photography is delivered as is, any additional photos or retakes will require an additional paid photo shoot, with the balance paid prior to photo shoot.
Terms of Service
Business Hours
The designers at Cindershot Development works 10:00am – 6:00pm Pacific Standard time Monday through Friday. Occasionally designers may work on Saturdays and/or Sundays to accommodate projects on a deadline for an additional fee. Designers may work after 6:00pm to accommodate projects on a deadline for an additional fee. Designers will only work during non-business hours if agreed between the CLIENT and DESIGNER prior to the start of work and with an agreed and signed contract.
Cindershot Development does not work on federal Holidays. Services requested around or on Holidays will continue on the closest business day following the Holiday.